The Life of a Boxer Named Gromit
Our 365 day project for 2010 has come to a close. I didn't sign up to do another 365 day project, instead I chose a 52 week project. I can work on some ideas that I have had and really be creative. Let the fun begin! At the start of this project, Gromit is 2 years and 2 months old.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Day 178
This morning we went to the harbor, everyone ran and played and chased and ran some more. I did get a few photos, this one being my favorite...
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Day 177
Again, grey, light drizzle (not as bad as yesterday)...yuck! Tim and I took Gromit to the harbor this morning. It was right around 8 am when we arrived. There were a bunch of "clammers" on the beach, so we walked down and around the point. There they were! Max, Haley, Quilla, Peller and all of their people. Everyone was running around and having a great time. Not long after that, "Team Greyhound" arrived, and they really got the party rocking. Gromit was wiped out when he got home. A little breakfast and a really long nap cures everything as far as he is concerned. Then it was all fun and games again. For some reason, he just wanted to chew on his green squishy ball, while leaning against me...
Friday, June 25, 2010
Day 176
Today the fog was so heavy it was like rain. You could hear it when it hit your windshield. But, just the same, you have to get the Gromit out. So we met up with a friend and a couple of pups and running and playing they did while we just tried to stay a little less wet. When we got home, I had a few errands to run, and then I decided to just goof around with Gromit and his patriotic bandana and some patriotic poses. Getting readdy for the "Pooches on Parade" 4th of July. Gromit will be walking with 100's of other doggies. It will be very interesting and I will make sure that I keep you all posted!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Day 175
It was an early morning romp at the harbor with Cleo this morning. That was interesting and fun. Cleo had never been in my car, doesn't know Gromit very well, but when the got tho the beach, the Greyhound came out of her and she was bookin'! Gromit could barely keep up. After everyone got there who-haw's out, it was ball chasing fun and games!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Day 174
It has been gloomy we went for a romp with our friends all 12 of them...Gromit had a blast. He loves running around and playing with the big boys (although he is pretty darn big himself). After we made it home, I quickly had to change and head back out to my acupuncture appointment. I LOVE acupuncture. I always feel really good afterward. I stopped by the bank, the pet store (new 4th of July scarf) for Gromit - he is going to be in the parade you know...home I went to release the beast, who was super excited to see me. We spend a little more time in the house playing with strobes, and doggie treats. I had so much fun the first time, I just had to do it again.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Day 173
A gray and cool day, not quite cold, but definitely not warm. A quick romp and up to the office to hang out with the buds.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Day 172
We all slept in until about 8 this morning. That is sleeping in around here. Tim and I took Gromit and Bella (neighbors dog) to the harbor this morning. That went OK. Not a whole lot of running around by anyone, a little arguing, some chasing, but that was it. Tim had to run some errands so I had a little fun with lighting and Gromit, and a little stop action strobe photography.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Day 171
Off to the harbor early this morning. Again, I think we arrived at 7:30. Haley and Max showed up right after we got there, a lot of running and playing. Here is a rare moment where Haley and Gromit were at a standoff with Haley holding Kelp root.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Day 170
A picture a day for 170 days so far. I don't know if I can keep this up! This morning we took Gromit to the beach. It has become a weekend thing. We arrived at 7:30...way early, and hardly no one was there. Just a few minutes behind us, Haley and Max, then a little while later Quilla, then as we were getting ready to go, Coco (6 month old chocolate lab) showed up, so a few more minutes of running around like a nut. Here is one of the rare quiet moments...

Friday, June 18, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Day 163
This morning we got up early and headed to the harbor to hang out with our new weekend buddies. It was beautiful, calm, warm, sunny. Took a few pictures, but it was after we were back home for a bit, we were hanging out in the backyard when a fuzzy caterpillar was crawling on Gromit's favorite piece of wood. I ran for the camera, and was able to catch this...Gromit meets fuzzy caterpillar...
Day 162
What a day...we went for a long walk along the coastal trail with a couple of friends, then back to the house to work out a really cool idea with lighting, Gromit stepping in on the lighting...... Once that was done, packed all that stuff up and sent it on it's merry way, another mini romp up at Quarry Park, with the buds, then over to Sparky's Hot Rod Garage for an awesome spaghetti feed/crab feed. Great food, music, people...setting up a couple more shoots. Can't wait!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Day 161
Today Gromit and I hiked the "big hill" with our friends and romping buddies. Great fun was had by almost all. I thought I was going to pass out. Then this afternoon we had a photo session with a new little friend (4 month old Boston Terrier). So cute, but before all the happened, we had to make sure the lighting was correct, so..."Yeah, so what, I got a new collar..." took place.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Day 160
It was a muggy, drizzly, gray day, again. This morning we went for a romp with a friend and her pack. It was nice. The drizzle let up so we didn't get to wet, but is was heavy when we got home, so back to the studio. More fun with Gromit and studio lighting and his ability to produce bubbles whenever he wants (and there is a treat somewhere in the mix). Boxer Bubble.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Day 159
Today we had to work in the office, so Gromit met a couple of new pups and hung out and played with them and the regulars while I crunched numbers and made sure things were in order. After we got home, a quick lunch, and back to the studio lighting. I love playing with light. I especially love high key, bright colors. Gromit was my model again, only today he was really good. Today he was "showing off".
Monday, June 7, 2010
Day 158
A lazy kinda' day...Tim and I took Gromit and our neighbor's dog Bella to the harbor this morning. It was drizzly, cold, blah, gray. I wanted to take some pictures, but the drizzle was just too heavy, so we just walked done to the beach. Met up with Toby a 6 month old aussie. Cute, but definitely a herder. They ran and ran and ran. It was great for everyone! After we got home, mail arrived with Gromits new collars and ID tag...YAY! I have to replace all of the other tags still, but at least he has and ID now. I decided to start messing around with studio lighting and of course Gromit is my subject (wasn't in the mood for self portraits).
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Day 157
Another one of those still thick foggy mornings. We took Gromit to the harbor again early this morning. A few of his buddies were there, and he met a few others. Today Gromit earned the new nick name of "Beach Bully" he was just beside himself...literally out of his own body and had the attention span of a gnat...actually, I think a gnat has a bigger attention span....
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Day 156
Another interesting day here on the coast. The fog was "horror movie" thick and still. We headed for the harbor to meet up with our usual usual and sometimes unusual running mates. We met "Team Greyhound" in the parking lot on the way to the beach. Once we got there, it was a free for all. This time, for some reason, Gromit decided that he was going to play the part of the "bunny rabbit" and have the greyhounds chase him. It was a blast for all involved, including us as spectators.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Day 155
With my back still a bit tweaked, the harbor was the best place to I thought. I forgot the ball launcher, the frisbee and the rope thingy at home, so all I had in my car was a tennis ball the I had to throw by hand. Not so smart, and not so easy with a back that's a bit jacked...just the same, Gromit loved it. There were just a few passers by, no dogs....Gromit just sits and watches. I love this about him...but then he hmphed. I laughed!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Day 154
It had been a really rough pst couple of days for me. I put my back out Wednesday evening, say the Chiropractor Thursday morning, photographed the cars at Cool Harbor Nights Thursday evening, my back still hurts, way better than it was, but still hurts! So, when I realized that I needed a photo of Gromit for the day, there he was all sprawled out on the couch..."no, I am not sleeping..."
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Day 153
Woke up to fog and drizzle, but warm and muggy! Gromit and I had some more work in the office to do, so we headed up there for a while. Stopped at the beach on the way back home...I put my back out this evening and can barey walk...I am hoping to get in to the Chiro soon! Here is a quick shot of Grom at the beach.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
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