The Life of a Boxer Named Gromit

Our 365 day project for 2010 has come to a close. I didn't sign up to do another 365 day project, instead I chose a 52 week project. I can work on some ideas that I have had and really be creative. Let the fun begin! At the start of this project, Gromit is 2 years and 2 months old.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 76

Yesterday was another gorgeous day, and a very busy day. Grom and I went for an early morning walk with some buddies, then home, then back out for a photo shoot, then home, then back out for another walk, then home, then back out for dinner, then home....Somewhere in there we were able to run to the local pet store and pick up a couple of things including Earl, which Gromit destroyed in ohhhh, approx. 15 minutes. Here is Earl before he lost a leg and his beak.

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